酸菜為雲林縣大埤鄉之特產,每年約有 1,500公頃農地種植包心芥菜,通常在每年立冬前後播種,約80-100天即可採收,先於田間曝晒2-3日,到萎凋至某一程度後, 除去尾葉,分層鋪於水泥做成之大醃桶內,一層芥菜,一層鹽,一般而言,100公斤之芥菜用15-18公斤之鹽。醃製時,剩下不易腐爛的酸菜尾與損失的酸菜,若隨意丟棄,則影響環境衛生,若丟入排水溝則造成河川,溝渠污染。在醃製過程中,酸菜液污水,隨意排放,則會造成土壤酸化,影響後作生產。目前雲林縣大埤鄉已開始規劃設置酸菜專業區及廢水處理,諸如改善排水溝,廢水淡化處理後方可排放及設置焚化爐,將廢棄物、葉菜焚化。
The pickled cabbage special product of for the Yunlin County Tabision township, approximately has 1,500 hectares agricultural planters package of heart leaf mustard every year, usually around sows seeds in every year beginning of winter, approximately 80-100 day then recovers, is before the field insolation to expose to the sun 2 - 3rd, to the fading after some degree, except the tail leaf, the lamination shop makes in the big salt barrel to the cement, a leaf mustard, salt, generally speaking, 100 kilograms leaf mustards use 15-18 kilogram salt. When salt system, is left over not the easy rotten pickled cabbage tail and the loss pickled cabbage, if discards at will, then influence environmental sanitation, if throws into the drain to create the river, drainage ditch pollution. In the salt system process, the pickled cabbage fluid sewage, discharges at will, then can create the soil acidification, affects the production. At present the Yunlin County Tabision township started to plan the establishment pickled cabbage specialized area and waste water processing, such as the improvement drain, after waste water desalination processing only then discharges and establishes the crematory, reject, leaf vegetable cremation.