星期三, 9月 21, 2005

甜柿 Persimmon

摩天嶺,位於台中縣和平鄉海拔八百至一千一百公尺之間,出品的甜柿品質高居台灣之冠,有「果王」之美名! 高山甜柿是台灣頂級的珍貴水果,成熟後果實呈紅橙色鮮艷的喜氣,碩大而美麗,肉質細密而黏,果粉多且多汁美味,高品質甜度在 15 度以上。高山栽培,果實成熟時不會殘留澀味。在豐收的秋之季節中,讓我們一同來讚嘆秋柿的甜美滋味!
Motenlin is located at Hopin township of Taichung county, where elevated from 800 to 1,100 hectometers, produces the sweet persimmon at high quality hence has enjoyed "King of the fruits" reputation! The mountain sweet persimmon in Taiwan goes against the level the precious fruit, after the mature fruit assumes the reddish orange bright happy expression, gigantic and beautiful, the pulp close mounts, the white powder on ripe apples or other fruit are many also juiciness delicacy, high quality sweetness above 15. The mountain cultivation, the fruit is mature when cannot remain the astringency. In the abundant harvest season of fall, lets us acclaim the fall persimmon together the delightful taste!

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