鹿谷冬筍 Winter Bamboo Shoot of Lugu
一般竹筍多生長在春夏秋,在冬季能夠長出竹筍的只有「孟宗筍」,亦稱冬筍。冬筍是埋在地表下,挖出後筍外乃被一層黃澄澄的吉祥金黃色絨毛包裹著,異於一般的竹筍。 孟宗竹筍春節前叫著冬筍,過年後露出土面的稱「春筍」而冬筍的香氣、滋味、及口感比春筍好。鹿谷的冬筍享有極高口碑,與凍頂烏龍茶齊名。
Generally bamboo shoot grows in spring、summer and autumn, only "Meng-zong bamboo" can grown bamboo shoot in winter known as “Winter Bamboo Shoot” reaped before Chinese New Year (around in February) . Bamboo shoot is dug out from the surface soil, and it is covered a layer of fluff glistening yellow lucky color different from the general shoots. It is soft, tasting, and delicate fragrance. The produce grown at Luku enjoys the best qualities and high goodwill.