閹雞 Capon
閹雞 Capon
水煮閹雞肉質鮮美有嚼勁,油質分佈均勻,自然香甜。閹雞的雞肉橫切,你可以發現其肌肉纖維比一般的雞肉細,據專家學者說那是因為牠沒有雄性素,脂肪會摻在肌肉纖維裡面,所以你吃起來就會比較軟、比較嫩而富彈性,當然也蓄積一些脂肪在皮下,所以皮就會厚一點。 Boiled capon is fresh, chewy, oil distribution, and natural sweet. You can find the muscle fiber in crosscutting is more delicate and tender than any ordinary chicken; according to the experts and scholars said that is because it is without the effects came from androgen, so it becomes soft, tender and flexible. (Feb. 26, 2011 at Sengkeng 深坑)
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