星期三, 8月 11, 2010

三層肉 San-tsân-bah (Pork Belly with rind)

五花肉帶皮及脂位烹調,肉皮及油脂能讓湯汁變濃稠、讓肉光亮、香濃滑嫩的口感,風味的變化更具豐富。五花肉也是做扣肉的最好部位,五花肉在西方是製作燻肉(或稱培根肉 Bacon)的肉材。

『San-tsân-bah』 transliterated as Tri-layers pork is called 『San-tsân』for short traditionally in Taiwan. The meat derived from the belly of a pig is enormously popular in Taiwanese cuisine and usually braised or grilled as a whole slab with skin in order to get the stock become thicker, shinning, aromatic and flesh tender .Pork belly is also most often served as Bacon among the Westerns.

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