台灣是 Covid-19 世界一級低危險國 2021-06-13 Sunday from the desk of Brown 據今年 (2021) 6 月 9 日 CNN 報導標題 ”CDC issues new travel advice for more than 120 countries” by 內文 「前略....... Countries on the lowest-risk list ..... French Polynesia, Morocco and Singapore are among popular tourist destinations in other regions that have been designated a low-risk level 1. 前略......... CDC recommendations at each level ...... The CDC recommends avoiding travel to countries at level 4, the highest threat level, which have more than 500 cases per 100,000 residents in the last 28 days. Other level 4 countries include nations such as Brazil, India and Iraq. For countries at level 3, which also includes Mexico, Russia and Iran, the CDC recommends against nonessential travel for that those who are unvaccinated. These countries are currently reporting 100 to 500 cases per 100,000 residents. At level 2, the agency recommends that unvaccinated travelers who are at severe risk for severe illness from Covid-19 should avoid visiting. These nations, like Finland, Cambodia and Kenya, are currently reporting 50 to 99 cases per 100,000. While level 1 countries are considered the lowest risk destinations and have reported less than 50 Covid- 19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 28 days, the CDC still recommends getting vaccinated before traveling to these locations. .......... 」。 1.台灣對 Covid-19 防疫工作之成功名列前矛為全球所恭維,此可見證於美國 Johns Hoskins University-CSSE 之 統計資料。 2.迄 2021 年 6 月 10 日 新加坡人口 5,866,139 (CIA est. July 2021), 而台灣人口 23,572052 (CIA est. July 2021) 新加坡累計確診人數 62,236 人佔總人口比 10 萬分之 1,060 (即人口每 10 萬人有 1,060 人確診) 而台灣累計確診人數 12,222 人佔總人口比 10 萬分之 51。 以 2021 年 5 月 10 日起至 6 月 10 日止共 32 天做比較: 新加坡罹染確診人數為 858 人佔總人口比為 10 萬分之 15, 而台灣罹染確診人數為 11,023 人佔總人口比為 10 萬分之 46。(15 個月來的平安,為何突然急劇上升, 原因可疑? 應查明) **如按上述美國 CDC 所訂標準分級,台灣應如文列為第一級警戒區與新加坡、French Polynesia,Morocco 同列第一級低危險。為何 CDC 在公布世界防疫分級的名單上沒有把台灣列入一級低危險區? 顯有不當。 3.台灣似乎每每為全世界之媒體所忽略,是台灣人的謙虛、憨厚、愛好和平不喜與人相鬥?,還是政府貪懶 怠惰無能?,中共的政治打壓?, 而失意於政治、利益、及位權之團體黨派、媒體、學者、政客、地方 勢力等則乘機攪惑等,如此是否也就造成外國媒體、評論家、及中共製造機會在外交上霸凌台灣。 4.防疫如防堤防,一點破洞就會崩潰成災,沒有人可以僥倖。
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