星期五, 1月 25, 2008

Features of Taiwanese Cuisine 台灣烹飪特點

Basically, Taiwanese food is a kind of simple, rustic and home cuisine that uses most of the naturally abundant ingredients in both of local growth or imports; but there are two critical factors that drives her development-the unique geography of Taiwan and growing global trend. Therefore Taiwanese food is various and rich same as traditional Chinese food, people are enjoying very nice food; they eat out 85% at lunch and 65% at dinner.
Five characteristics of Taiwanese Food:
1.No matter what cuisine used by stir-frying, stewing, steaming, deep-frying, flash frying, or/and pan frying, Taiwanese food is noted for her "light", "simple", "fresh", "genuine" and "rich wine".Therefore Taiwanese food overrides other Chinese food serving as daily diet at home.
2.Rich dishes are of fish and seafood, fresh or soused.
3.There are varied broth and thick soups serving for snack or with rice for dietary.
4.Plenty of vegetables and fruits dishes are serving in fresh or soused.
5.Using rich rice wine and herb ingredients to cook or prepare the nutritional food for healthy body in different season and on occasions.


星期五, 1月 04, 2008


「三希堂」位於故清宮養心殿的西暖閣,是乾隆皇帝的書房,書房內置有「三希」,即晉代書法家王羲之的『快雪時晴帖』,王獻之的『中秋帖』和王珣的『伯遠帖』。此相片攝自台北故宮博物院博物館內之陳設 (曾柏郎攝)。
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